………. not that you’d notice it here or anything ! In fact what I have been up to is looking, indeed working & experimenting with the possibility that I, along with many other Spanking Bloggers may be being gradually closed out by ‘Blogger’ . I genuinely hope this is not the case as it takes quite some work to establish a blog and a whole lot more work to export it to another Blog provider. But I have began the process just in case. Lots of fellow bloggers have already made the move or are talking about it. So I have actually re-created ‘MarQe’s Study’ elsewhere and will be spending quite some time adding and tweaking the content. Of course it may all be a waste of time then again I might make such a good job of it that I’ll move anyway !!

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One comment I got recently referred to me as a “closet switch” ! Well he was accurate!
Very, and I do mean ‘Very‘ occasionally!! I feel the need to take a little of what I usually give out when I visit a young lady to administer punishment. I must admit that as you’ll have noticed from ‘MarQe’s Study’ that I lean heavily toward the pictorial side of Spanking & related matters. It’s no different when it comes to pictures of a strict Mistress !
Lately I have quite a busy spanking schedule as things go. A young lady to spank on Thursday, a follow up session with another young lady at the end of the month & then I will hopefully be in a position to re-schedule the meeting that was cancelled last month with a very well known lady on the scene. Now in and around all of this I think I might be facing the music myself as I have been in contact with some potential Mistresses to give me the sound spanking I’m long overdue ! I have butterflies thinking about it but then that is one of the charms of what spanking is about !!! Just once in a while the thought of dangling helplessly across my Mistresses knee being spanked soundly gives me such a buzz !! However I never switch with ladies that I have spanked myself !! I need a real Headmistress to put me in my place !!!
