
Now I have rambled in previous posts about certain aspects of what is in effect my secret spanking life. No one outside of the people I meet on the scene, mainly ‘spanking models’ who offer ‘commercial’ spanking oportunities {& thank heavens for them say I!!} know about my activities ! My wife knows that I am into spanking as it was part of our foreplay but that was before she was diagnosed with a disabling condition. Now we don’t even have a sex life let alone kinky foreplay. Hence, rightly or wrongly depending on your views, I seek out partners for spanking play & yes I have on occasion visited ladies for ‘personal services’. This in some peoples eyes sets me up as not a very nice person. But I spend my life caring for my wife, whom I love dearly & I am a devoted Father also. Spanking, & sex are urges that I still have & quite strongly at that. It seems only the ‘kinky’ fraternity that see my approach as being OK. I know for certain how I would be judged should family members get to know what I was up to !!



Mind, I am 51 years old now and I have kept my spanking secret since I bought my first copy of Janus at a very young age so I see no reason in getting all guilty now ! I have had some great fun with the spanking scene and hope to continue for some time yet. I’m so excited at my upcoming meeting with one of the true stars of the spanking scene, as i’ve said previously I would never mention names but this one is one I’ve been looking forward to arranging for a while, can’t wait !!

Samantha Janus

Alas Samantha Janus is not the lady I am meeting but the lady in question is in the same class in my estimation ….. it’s going to be so much fun !!!!!!!!


I’m currently taking a look at the paysite ‘Dallas Spanks Hard’ with a view to reviewing some of the videos on there for Cherry Red Report. Watch this space for links and enjoy a sample pic that hints at the quality of spankee at the site !!

Dallas Spanks Hard